Saturday 17 July 2010

DIY Speedstrap

I haven't updated this blog in a LONG time! I really want to get back into it, been having a bit of a cold spell. And so I've come back with a vengeance.

And wanting to increase the size of my camera accessories bag I decided to do some home DIY and make a speed strap. If you don't know what one is, it is very useful to attach things like gels, gobos, snoots, children or whatever you like really. Thanks to Mr Hobby over at Strobist for tips on how to make these, I've decided to post up my efforts.

You'll need:
1 x Scissors
1 x Pineapple
1 x Bike Inner tube (preferably a mountain bike as its wider)
Some sticky velcro

Cut inner tube enough to go around the flash and overlap a bit.

Cut it in half along the long edge and wash it out with soap water to get the powder and glue off. When its dry put a couple of inch long velcro bit along the inside edge (I'd advise the spiky bit)

On the other side completly cover the length with the other velcro bit (soft bit hopefully). Here it is pictured with an official Honl speedstrap at the bottom which retails about £10.

And the finished result!
Cosst about £2-3 and with that you can probably make at least 4 speed straps.